LED Flat Flashlight

Materials: 5 mm or 10 mm white diffused LED light (We got ours from Evil mad Scientist , which unfortunately they are no longer selling. Other suppliers All Electronics , Goldmine Electronics , or Amazon) 3V lithium coin battery (we got ours from sciplus.com item # 40919) copper tape (found in the gardening section of hardware stores as an anti snail/ slug product or alternatively in 1/4'' form on Amazon ) electrical vinyl tape jumbo craft stick Tools: Scissors Ruler (optional) Cut copper tape long enough to go down the length of the craft stick and to wrap about 1/2'' to the other side. Place your coin battery on to the short piece of copper tape you wrapped over the end of the stick with the positive side of the battery facing up, negative side down touching the copper tape. Take a shorter piece of copper tape and fold each end over about .75'' each side, leaving the middle section with adhesive, and adhere it to the craft stick...